Maximizing Pharma's Peak Season: The Mobile Ad Advantage
Nov 2, 2023

The pharmaceutical industry is gearing up for its peak season with searches for prescription medication in the US starting to grow in Google trends till its search peak in March. With the ever-evolving marketing landscape, companies within this space are adapting to new strategies to maximize their reach and impact. As we enter the final stretch of 2023, the focus is already shifting towards the 2024 marketing campaigns, and one key element that cannot be overlooked is the role of mobile ads. 

Andy Munro-Lott, Account Executive at Adludio says "November is a critical month for pharma companies as they nail down their media plans for H1'24 and in particularly accounting for the March uptick in customers actively seeking solutions for winter medication.

Pharma brands have traditionally stayed within the tried and tested media of Print, TV, and endemic websites. However, over the last year they have seen the value in Adludio formats which guarantee user engagements; taking the value in that those who interact with the Ad are interested in the drug or service marketed, which will ultimately improve patient outcomes."

In this article, we explore the essential need for creative intelligence in pharmaceutical marketing with insights from PwC's Pharmaceutical Industry Trends report and discuss how the industry can leverage mobile ads effectively.

Mobile Ads: A Vital Element of Pharma Marketing

Mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, and the pharmaceutical industry is recognizing the immense potential of reaching its target audience through mobile advertising. According to the PwC Pharmaceutical Industry Trends report, the digital transformation in healthcare is accelerating, with an emphasis on delivering personalized experiences. As a result, mobile ads are poised to play a significant role in engaging consumers effectively.

The Need for Creative Intelligence

To capture the attention of the increasingly discerning and tech-savvy consumer, pharmaceutical companies must prioritize creative intelligence in their marketing campaigns. The report highlights that, in 2024, companies will need to focus on creating compelling content that resonates with their audience. Let's delve into why creative intelligence is crucial:

  1. Personalization: The pharmaceutical industry is moving towards personalized healthcare. Creative intelligence allows companies to tailor their mobile ads to specific patient segments, making the message more relevant and impactful.
  2. Compliance: Pharmaceutical advertising is subject to strict regulations. Creative intelligence ensures that marketing campaigns adhere to these regulations while still being engaging and informative.
  3. Visual Storytelling: Creative intelligence enables companies to tell their brand story visually, making complex medical information more accessible to the general public. Visual content is more likely to be shared and remembered.

Leveraging Statistics

To drive home the importance of creative intelligence in pharmaceutical mobile ads, let's take a closer look at some statistics:

  • 92% of Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) Use Smartphones: PwC's report highlights that a significant percentage of healthcare professionals rely on smartphones for work. This presents an opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to engage with HCPs through targeted mobile ads.
  • 46% of Patients Seek Health Information on Mobile Devices: In an era where information is at our fingertips, nearly half of patients are searching for health-related information on their mobile devices. Creating informative and engaging mobile ads is vital to reach this audience effectively.
  • 90% of Healthcare Marketing Will Be Digital by 2024: The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a digital transformation, with a substantial shift towards digital marketing. This underlines the importance of being at the forefront of creative intelligence in mobile ad campaigns.


As the pharmaceutical industry prepares for its peak season in March 2024, companies must recognize the need for creative intelligence in their marketing campaigns. Mobile Ads offer a powerful platform to engage with both healthcare professionals and patients. By understanding the evolving landscape and leveraging statistics and insights from PwC's Pharmaceutical Industry Trends report, pharmaceutical companies can position themselves for success in the coming year. The message is clear: to stay competitive, pharma companies need to focus on creative intelligence and prioritize mobile advertising as a vital component of their marketing development. Adludio has delivered engaging mobile campaigns for a number of clients, enabling brands such as NatureMade, Providence and Novartis to smash business targets and lead to improved health outcomes. Don't miss the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the pharmaceutical industry's peak season—start planning your creative mobile ads today. Talk to us today.